5 Creative content ideas for recruitment agencies

As a recruitment agency, whether you're creating content for your website, for social media, as an outreach project, in a marketing email - the list goes on - you're doing it for one main reason - to get you noticed. You want to show off your expertise, you want to build trust and you want to make sure that you're one to watch, for both clients and candidates.Creating a strong, clear and easily identifiable brand is one thing, but it's completely another to keep building and maintaining this brand, to create a strong presence, both online and in the real world! Creative content and standout, eye-catching marketing campaigns are one of the best ways to keep your company in the minds of your potential customers and candidates, so it's vital to be confident you're churning out quality information, content and graphics, every time. At DesignCloud, we specialise in creating assets for your ongoing campaigns and help you climb the heap, cut through the noise, make your voice heard - whatever you want to call it! In this post are a few of our favourite design requests for creative content in the recruitment sector, to give you a bit of insight into the kind of work we do, and inspiration for your own agency marketing. So, without further ado, here we go!
Salary Guides
Lots of recruiters already do this, but there are still an awful lot that don't. Using your internal expertise, draw up a document which contains information about different salary bands for candidates and other relevant info on roles within the sector. This kind of thing is always great content to make it clear that you know your stuff, and it's useful too! Employers can get an accurate benchmark on what they need to be paying to hire the top talent and candidates can see what they should be realistically expecting from compensation packages in their sector.Documents like this are also a great lead generation tool for recruitment agencies as you can then collect data from both candidates and clients to market to in the future!
Market Specific Infographics
We all love an infographic! These, like your salary guides, are a great way to show off your knowledge of the sector and bring together up-to-date information on market growth, new opportunities, and other important developments in a specific industry.Infographics are incredibly shareable and are a favourite of social media managers the world over! Whether you want a single, in-depth graphic or a carousel post with small, manageable chunks of info, a brilliant, razor-sharp infographic can be a fantastic piece of creative content for your recruitment agency.
Job of The Week
Now, we see lots of agencies do this, but more often than not, it's done very badly! 90% of the time, the consultant will create their own job of the week‚ on a simple design tool like Canva or something like that and if we're being honest in our professional opinion, they look awful! Even worse is if they don't use a graphic at all! they just do a text post. Research shows that images earn 2.3 times more engagement on Facebook than text posts - we all know the phrase ‚Äúa picture speaks 1000 words‚Äù for a reason!
Customer & Candidate Reviews
Obviously, recruiters technically have two customers as part of their process and it's good to show reviews from both sides so that your network can get an understanding of how the process is managed from end to end. On social media, this could be a single graphic or a carousel of testimonials, or on your website as a scrolling carousel of all the great feedback you've had, tied up in a shiny, well-designed package.
Meet The Team Series
Bring some personality to your brand with a mini-interview for each team member made into a carousel with a few different slides. A super-easy and quick piece of social content (especially with a service like Design Cloud on your side!), all you need is a photo, name, job title, a few words about the team member, their contact details and what they recruit for! Beautiful and engaging content made easy!