Five Tips for Estate Agents on How to Adapt to a post-COVID World

Get Your Health & Safety Up to Code
Okay, so this one isn't very exciting, but it is very necessary. Particularly in the peri- and post-COVID landscape, the importance of being clear, safe and up-to-date in the way you and your team work can't be skimmed over. This means making it clear to vendors and landlords, as well as potential buyers or tenants the safety precautions they have to follow and what you are doing to keep them safe. A clear, well-designed guide can be invaluable in these instances to make it clear that you are well-prepared for whatever comes your way.
Link Up with the Big Cities
More than ever, Escape to the Country is coming to life! Without lots of the restrictions that have kept so many of us city-bound for the last 50 years dissolving into nothing, there is a surprising number of people ready to make their idyllic dreams a reality. With remote working becoming a permanent reality for some, we don't need to be close to the office anymore, and the draw of the countryside with its clear air and space to roam makes a pretty picture to even the slickest of city-dwellers!Whether you're a city centre agent or specialise in the dreamy country cottages we're all eyeing up on Zoopla, creating strong relationships between the town mouse and the country mouse is a great way to be able to offer your customers the help and advice they need, no matter where their property journey takes them.
Roll the Camera
As an estate agent, you might have thought that remote working, Zoom meetings and online conferencing were things you didn't need to worry about. Think again. Coronavirus has proven to all kinds of sectors and organisations that working remotely can be done, and it's shifted more than just our desks. You and your team need to get to grips with video conferencing to help make your life easier and show off your professionalism, no matter who you're communicating with. Video valuations, home tours and negotiations are all things of the future, so it's time to channel your inner Spielberg. Aaand, action!
If Data is the King - Presentation is the Crown
With uncertainty everywhere these days, presenting clear, relevant, refreshingly honest information is a real breath of fresh air to consumers. As estate agents, you have access to a huge amount of information that your customers want to know! From average property values and to important news (no more stamp duty!) to aspirational property run-downs (we can't be the only ones sorting price: high to low at Sotheby's!) and those obscure insights the rest of us wouldn't even think about until they're presented with a shiny infographic or slick carousel!
Your Visual Assets Have Never Been so Important
Alright, we're a bit biased when it comes to the importance of good design, but it's for good reason! A strong visual presence gets you noticed, shows off your professionalism, and helps you stick out in the mind of your audience when they're looking for an estate agent that fits their needs. With people getting out and about less than before, you might need to adjunct your visual strategy away from capitalising on footfall and towards capitalising online. Visual assets made by a professional graphic designer and photographers who know what they're doing make all of the difference when your customers might not actually interact with you in person.To find out how Design Cloud can help you adapt to a post-COVID world through smart, affordable and totally unlimited graphic design solutions, get in touch with us to arrange a demo!