Cut design costs without cutting quality.

Save £23,235.87* per year vs hiring in-house graphic designers - and get set up in under a business day.

40,000+ DESIGN REQUESTS COMPLETED for over 500 teams


Save £23,235.87/yr vs Hiring in-house

Design Cloud gives you all the benefits of hiring in-house - without the risk or expense - and the flexibility of outsourcing without the hassle, frustration or limitations when trying to scale

Design Cloud vs hiring in-house

*does not include VAT

Full time Designer (London)
View detailed costs
£47,425.57 /pa
£3,952.13 /pm
This is a simple breakdown of the true cost of hiring a full time designer. This calculation assumes that the designer is based in London and works from your office. Average designer salaries vary by city and region. We have included links to support our workings and this information is correct as of August 2023.
Data Source
Annual Cost
Monthly Cost
Base Salary (London)
Average base salary for a full time graphic designer based in London. This may vary by industry.
Annual Cost: 
£35,000.00 /pa
Monthly Cost: 
£2,916.67 /pm
Employers NI
Employers NI contribution is currently 13.8%
Annual Cost: 
£3,609.53 /pa
Monthly Cost: 
£300.79 /pm
Pension Contribution
The minimum employers pension contribution in the UK is 3%
Annual Cost: 
£1,050.00 /pa
Monthly Cost: 
£87.50 /pm
Design Tools
This is based on an Adobe Creative Cloud annual subscription. This does not include additional software tools like Figma.
Annual Cost: 
£743.88 /pa
Monthly Cost: 
£61.99 /pm
Stock Licences
This is based on an annual Adobe Stock subscription giving you access to 40 images per month.
Annual Cost: 
£383.88 /pa
Monthly Cost: 
£31.99 /pm
Project Management Tool
This is based on an Asana business plan subscription. Other project management tools may cost more.
Annual Cost: 
£251.88 /pa
Monthly Cost: 
£20.99 /pm
Email & Cloud Storage
This is based on a Google Workspace subscription. Other tools may cost more.
Annual Cost: 
£110.40 /pa
Monthly Cost: 
£9.20 /pm
Office Space Costs (London)
This is based loosely on the average cost per employee for a serviced office space in London.
Annual Cost: 
£6276.00 /pa
Monthly Cost: 
£523.00 /pm
Total Full Time Designer Cost
Annual Cost: 
£47,425.57 /pa
Monthly Cost: 
£3,952.13 /pm
Design Cloud
View detailed costs
£24,189.70 /pa
£2,015.81 /pm
Our pricing plans tier up based on the complexity of work you need to access and costs go down the longer that you sign up for. This calculation is based on working with 3 designers from our team on a 12 month contract. All of our plans come with unlimited requests and revisions and this set up also includes access to our platform and the option to communicate with your design team in real time via Slack.
Subscription Plan (Paid monthly)
No. of Designers
Annual Cost
Monthly Cost
PRO (12 month)
Our PRO plan includes everything in essential and agency + web design and a Slack channel to communicate with your designers in real time.
No. of Designers: 
Annual Cost: 
Monthly Cost: 
Agency (12 month)
Our agency plan includes branding & logo design, Powerpoint presentations, ebooks, simple landing page design and more..
No. of Designers: 
Annual Cost: 
Monthly Cost: 
Essential (12 month)
Our essential plan includes simple day-to-day design work like social media content, website banners, blog graphics and more...
No. of Designers: 
Annual Cost: 
Monthly Cost: 
Total Design Cloud cost
Annual Cost: 
£24,189.70 /pa
Monthly Cost: 
£2,015.81 /pm

Working day-to day

Design Cloud Designer
In-House Designer
Freelance Designer
Experienced, UK based designer
All of our designers have at least 3yrs commercial experience working for an agency or as an in-house designer.
High quality design work
We test all designers before hiring them and for the first 60 days that we work together, we quality check every piece of work.
Deal directly with the designer
Unlike a traditional agency, we don't have account managers. You deal directly with the designer assigned to you.
Communicate via email or Slack
You can communicate with your designers via Slack, just like you would with the rest of your team. PRO plan or Slack add-on required.
Learns your brand in-side out over time
Over time, your designer will get to know your brand in-side out. Just like a full time team member or freelance designer would.
Available for meetings and video calls.
All communication with our design team is done through our platform or via Slack. This dramatically improves efficiency and ensures that the time with your designer is spent creating as opposed to being on meetings about meetings.

Design Cloud is the ultimate solution for teams that need affordable design support.

Now, you can work with a UK-based graphic designer every business day on one flexible subscription model.

Just sign up, log in to the app and start submitting your design requests. Get the support you need in the month’s you need it, without needing to think about the hiring process or recruitment fees.

Faster than hiring designers through traditional methods
Annual savings versus hiring designers in house
A young woman happy to be using the design cloud platform