Scaling up a Design Cloud Plan to Match Your Agencies Demand

If you're agency is currently experiencing a boom in graphic design demand, whether that's client's needing more marketing collateral or your own agency needing more support in-house, this article is for you.You might feel as though your options are to hire in-house and risk not having the long-term demand needed to keep an in-house graphic designer busy all day long into the future, or you can outsource the extras to freelancers or a traditional graphic design agency. And both of those options offer their own wealth of benefits! However, if you're looking for a reliable way to access graphic design that can be scaled up or down whenever you need it to, and still get most of the benefits of hiring in-house, Design Cloud graphic design subscription plans are for you.Design Cloud offers a scalable graphic design support service, all you need to do is add more designers to your plan as your demand grows, and you can scale it back down again if that boom in demand subsides.
Accessing a wider Design Scope
We offer three main packages; The Standard, Agency and Pro plans. Each of these plans include various design scopes, from the more basic graphic design tasks like social media design or image ad designs all the way to full front end web design and presentation design. If you've already got an existing plan and you're looking to scale up the volume of work you'll get back every day from your dedicated designer, it's worth also considering if your plan is still providing the scope you need it to. For example if your upcoming design work will likely include packaging design and complex infographics - you'll need to make sure you upgrade your current plan to Pro so that you can access the design scope you need.For more information on everything you can have designed in the Pro plan, have a read of this article.You can check out more details on designs scope here too.
Getting more from your plan
Whichever plan suits your design scope requirements best, bear in mind these quick tips to get the most you can from it.
Plan your tickets ahead
If your marketing team plan their content into the future, it's great practice to make sure that the graphic design briefs you'll need are submitted through the Design Cloud app ahead of time. That way you can make sure the design briefs aren't rushed and communicate everything they need to, and you'll be able to see which tickets might need reprioritising to meet deadlines, which brings us nicely onto our next point...
Prioritise tickets to meet deadlines
Your dedicated designer (or designers) will work through the ticket at the top of your queue every business day. To make sure that your graphic design pieces are always ready to go when you need them, it's a good idea to allocate one member of the team to keep an overview of the task being worked on and move tickets up to first priority if they are needed faster. When you submit design briefs, let you designer know when you need the timeline you're looking at for the piece and they will always let you know if there will be any issues in meeting that deadline.
Add additional designers
If you need more than one ticket being worked on at a time and are experiencing a higher demand for graphic design support in your agency, you can add additional designers to your plan. This can be done on a monthly basis, so you can simply make your graphic design subscription team bigger or smaller to fit your agencies needs. Simply get in touch via the app or website and let us know you'd like to add another designer to your plan, and we'll team you with another dedicated designer who will be able to hit the ground running on your design queue.For more information on how to scale up your Design Cloud subscription plan by adding additional designers to your plan, head to our help centre. We really look forward to working on even more creative projects for your agency!